Reflection on the Readings
Although the Ascension is a spectacular event from the perspective of those on the ground, a relationship with Jesus enables us to be lifted up in dignity and purpose as we follow His ways by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Although the Ascension is a spectacular event from the perspective of those on the ground, a relationship with Jesus enables us to be lifted up in dignity and purpose as we follow His ways by the power of the Holy Spirit.
George was an avowed atheist and loved challenging believers.
“So, Tom, you are a Christian,” George confronted his friend Tom. “You must know a lot about this Christ person.”
“I know a bit.”
Easter is such a joyous day for us as Christians – a day in which we rejoice in the fulfillment of the promises of our Scriptures….
How do you pass on a living faith to the next generation? Robert Wuthnow, sociologist of religion, conducted research among people who considered themselves religious and asked what influences from childhood had helped their faith take root
The next Coffee with the Council will be held after all masses the weekend of March 9/10. Each month the council will present a question for parishioners to consider.
I am happy to report that much has been happening behind the scenes to achieve the established objectives set by the Campus Redevelopment Committee.
“UNCLEAN, UNCLEAN,” that’s how someone in ancient Israel would announce that they have leprosy – that terrible disease that leaves the body mutilated and the person isolated from everything that they loved.
Friends, the truth is, if God hasn’t spoken to us today, it’s time to take an inventory of the spirits that are doing all the talking.
Sometimes all it takes is an invitation, a call, to change a life. An invitation, a subtle call, is often how the Lord works in our lives.
Christmas celebrates our humanity, wonderful enough that God chose to share it. And He continues to do so.