Souper Bowl Sunday 2022

Souper Bowl Sunday 2022

Helping the Hungry Ministry will be collecting soup on Super Bowl Sunday, February 13. Drop off your donation in the Gathering Area between 9:30-12:30. There will be signs in the Gathering Area for each of the Super Bowl teams. Place your soup cans under the sign for your favorite team so we can determine if…

Bereavement Ministry Meeting

Bereavement Ministry Meeting

Grief is unique to each person, and journeying through it can be painful, lonely, and confusing, but it can be comforting to share this journey with others. Our group will meet at 8:00pm every other week. The sessions include learning about grief and understanding the grieving process, the changes, challenges, and choices that occur, coping…

A Message from Fr. David – January 23, 2022

A Message from Fr. David – January 23, 2022

How many of us have felt the same interminable wait for a simple prayer to be answered much less the promises of salvation to be fulfilled? Surely the people of Nazareth, upon hearing Jesus’ announcement in the temple that He was the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecies of the coming of a Messiah, must have thought: Sorry, Bud, it’s too little, too late. But what they—and most of us—fail to realize is that we will never have to wait again.


A Message from Fr. David – January 16, 2022

Friends, the signs that we see in today’s Gospel are meant to get an important message across. As you begin a new week, allow the first of Jesus’ SIGNS to stay with you this week. Follow the example of Mary. Have faith and trust even when you don’t understand. If you want Jesus to turn water into wine in your life, you’ve got to provide Him with the stone jars.