A Message from Fr. David – Aug. 7, 2022
This is a unique time in the life of the parish and our centennial provides us the perfect time to creatively, courageously, and collectively think about our present needs as well as our future needs.
This is a unique time in the life of the parish and our centennial provides us the perfect time to creatively, courageously, and collectively think about our present needs as well as our future needs.
Friends, make decisions that have a lasting benefit, the kind that impact on eternal values. Be rich “in what matters to God”—and you can bet, what matters to God has nothing to do with the stuff in your closet, portfolio, or curriculum vitae.
Celebrating the Feast of Saint James and the 20th Anniversary of our Church Building
The Saint James community is grateful for the work of Fr. Stagg and the many dedicated parishioners who helped bring that vision to fruition, many of whom have gathered with us this weekend to worship and celebrate.
Mental Health MinistryFeatured on Pope’s Prayer Network We pray that mental health ministry becomes an integral ministry in the Church that is available in every Catholic parish and community. We pray for the elimination of the stigma and discrimination that people living with a mental illness encounter. Visit clicktopray.org or download the app in your…
Caridades Católicas de la Arquidiócesis de Newark Es hora de que te ocupes de tu salud mental Programas gratuitos en el Condado de Union505 South Avenue East, Cranford, NJ 07016 www.ccannj.org Tu mente es tu mayor recurso Acompáñanos para programas gratuitos de salud mental en el condado de Union Consejería de salud mental para adultos mayores…
The Christ who lives in you not only gives you the direction for your life but also gives you the capacity to say “yes” to follow what is best for you – THAT’s FREEDOM!
Friends, I often remark that I don’t know how people make it through life without faith, to which people almost every time respond in agreement. Yet, why do so many choose to stay away?
We can only “host” these families through your support! We need volunteers to cook dinners, purchase pre-made meals or frozen meals, and drivers to deliver the food twice a week (from Saint James). Families also need girl size 3T pull-ups and diapers boy size 4.Can’t cook??? No problem! We also need: Shoprite gift cards ($25.00)…