A Message from Fr. Santos, October 2, 2022
Friends, listening to God leads us to act as God would have us act, even (or maybe especially) if we are tempted or even foolish enough to do it our own way.
Friends, listening to God leads us to act as God would have us act, even (or maybe especially) if we are tempted or even foolish enough to do it our own way.
Without a doubt, last weekend’s Centennial Commencement was a high point in our beloved parish’s life. Personally, I am grateful and humbled that the Centennial Committee recommended that the Installation be a part of the Centennial Commencement.
The Archdiocese of Newark has announced the release of our Synod on Synodality Synthesis Report, which captures the voices of more than 15,000 people across northern New Jersey. This effort is the local phase of Pope Francis’ two-year Synod on Synodality, a worldwide effort to discern how the Catholic Church can better engage with today’s…
It was wonderful to be at the Parish this past weekend and to meet some of you during
the Liturgies. I must confess that I came back to the seminary overjoyed and amazed to see how good and welcoming you all are.
St. James Movie Night is coming soon! Bring your family and lawn chairs to this wonderful event. We will provide the popcorn!
Photos courtesy of Ernie DellaSala
When a priest is called to take on the role of pastor of a parish, his vocation takes on a radical relationship of love and service to the
people he is called to serve, much like when a husband becomes a father.
To be honest with you, I don’t know a lot of people who are really happy. It isn’t as common as one may think. People are much sadder than they seem. Oh, and a lot of us – I know – put on a happy face. Most of us know how to look happy, but are we really happy?