Pastor’s Message
My prayer for you this Easter is that the new life given by Jesus in His Resurrection may burst into the dark “tombs” of your life and from you go out into the world!
My prayer for you this Easter is that the new life given by Jesus in His Resurrection may burst into the dark “tombs” of your life and from you go out into the world!
The conclusion to the “Hail Mary” should give us pause. We ask the Holy
Mother of God to keep us sinners in her prayer at two signature moments of our lives: now and at the time of our death.
As we enter the Lenten season, we are invited by the Church through our readings to reflect not only on our individual stories but on the great stories throughout the history of salvation.
St. James has partnered with Hallow this Season to provide every parishioner FREE access to all of Hallow’s prayer content – including the Lent #Pray40 Challenge.
Join us as we journey together again through Lent. Groups will meet on various days/times to reflect and discuss the Gospel for the coming Sunday. No prior experience or knowledge of scripture is necessary. For information contact:
If you wish to help in these efforts or make a donation, please visit Along with financial support, prayer remains essential. Let us continue to offer our prayers to our brothers and sisters who mourn losses and face this devastation.
When we desire a relationship with Christ for its own sake, and not simply because we’ve been somehow coerced, a life of faith flows naturally. We no longer count the minimum but instead live in a relationship of trust, fidelity, and love.
The 2023 Annual Appeal has begun! Each year we are invited to participate in the Annual Appeal, which is an opportunity to support essential ministries and programs of our Archdiocese.