Reflection on the Readings

“The days are coming …” This is how today’s first reading starts. We’re beginning a season of waiting, of anticipation. Four weeks of waiting to celebrate the birth of Christ. And four weeks of anticipating Jesus’ coming again in glory at the end of time. Four weeks to prepare ourselves; to get ready. This is what Advent is about – listening to all that God promises us and waiting for those promises to be realized.
The Church gives us the reading from St. Luke’s Gospel to start this Advent season in part so that we might call to mind the “end times” and the coming of the Son of Man.
When our minds are drowning in lists, shopping, groceries, and gifts, we’re reminded to pause, raise our head above these pressing concerns, and reflect from another point of view.
In the end, what does it all mean?
What is driving your actions and behaviors?
Is it the things of this world that come and go like the wind and that
change from day to day?
While it is true that this liturgical year begins by bringing us face-to-face with the arrival of the end, it’s also meant to signal a new beginning; something eternal, something lasting.
Advent literally means “approaching” or “arrival.”
We, therefore, begin this holy season of Advent with the question:

Fr. David C. Santos, Pastor
Quote of the Week
Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing.