Reflection on the Readings

Most of us are scared to death of the implications of the Gospel story of the poor widow and her two small coins. It’s as challenging as that other teaching we try not to think about, the one where Jesus tells the thoroughly obedient man to sell all he has and join the disciples.
I’m first to admit, I’m not about to “go and sell everything”—at least not yet. But to put one out of every two extra pennies at the service of my neighbor seems the greatest good I might do. Why not buy a pair of shoes—and write a check to Catholic Relief Services for the same amount? It’s a far cry from what the widow did, but it’s moving in the right direction.
I’m reminded of Saint Vincent de Paul, at the close of his virtuous life, being admonished by one of his patrons to slow down. “You’ve done so much good, what else can you expect to do?” she demanded. “More,” he replied. We can always do more.

Fr. David C. Santos, Pastor
Quote of the Week
The poor widow cast only two pennies into the treasury; yet because she gave all she had it is said of her that she surpassed all the rich in offering gifts to God.