Pastors’ Message

I would like to provide you with an update on the status of the Request for Proposals (RFPs) for the school and convent properties that were to be responded to by last Thursday, November 17th, at 3 PM. The Archdiocese informed us that we did not have any responses to the RFPs with the exception of one entity that submitted a request letter to purchase the school alone.
Since the proposal did not respond to the RFP required objectives and did not provide a proposal for the purchase and use of the entire property, it was not accepted as a meaningful submission.
The good news is that we were able to identify some points in the proposal which may have dissuaded participants. We are already in the process of addressing those points. We also know that there are at least two developers who are very interested in submitting a proposal once we’ve fine-tuned the RFP.
Friends, please know that I am no less confident in the work we’ve set out to accomplish, nor am I less optimistic with regard to its outcome. While I was hoping for a shorter timeline, we knew from the outset that this was going to be a working journey and not a sprint. I will continue to keep parishioners informed, and my intention remains to organize a town hall-style meeting once the RFPs have been submitted.
Let us continue to trust in the Holy Spirit to guide us through this process and to continue to give us the needed wisdom and understanding.
Quote of the Week
Advent is patience. God has made us a people of promise in a world of impatience.