Pastor’s Column

Our first reading from the Book of Numbers and our reading from the Gospel of Mark, both point to a very interesting topic. That is, the problem when we lose sight of our MISSION and we become our own worst enemy.
One of the most effective means of undermining your opponent is to divide and conquer. We know that if you set your enemy somehow at odds with himself then one can sweep him away easily enough. Let him fight himself and you won’t have to fight him.
I’m reminded of the great fantasy and adventure created by J.R.R Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings. In the vast and detailed world created by Tolkien, good and evil are constantly warring on expansive plains, ancient forests, cavernous mountains and fantastical lands, however, the most crucial battles in the great series are fought within each of the opposing side’s camps. Think of the evil Orcs – corrupted descendants of the Elves (angel/saint like figures). They are fierce and intimidating creatures. So often throughout the Trilogy, the Orcs give in to in-fighting. And once that happens, all you have to do is just stand back and watch them destroy themselves.
But we also see this among the characters that represent good. The Fellowship of the 9, those who take on the mission of saving middle- earth, also succumb to petty in-fighting and power struggles. They are constantly striving for control of the Ring of Power. Some even fall and are destroyed because of its enticements.
Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
You see, the enemy loves to sow dissension, rivalry, jealousy, turf- wars because it takes our eyes off the MISSION at hand. And this happens, too, in our own lives. Often, we spend our energy not working for the Lord, but fighting each other.
Whether it’s within the hierarchy of the Church, in our homes, in
our relationships, and especially within our own hearts, there is a temptation to forgo the MISSION in order to defend our egos and our own needs.
A great example of this tactic is seen in both the first reading and our gospel. Friends, what mattered most to both Moses and Jesus is the MISSION that God has bestowed on them (and on all of us)!
- The Fellowship of the 9 had a mission!
- The Israelites had a mission!
- The disciples of Jesus had a mission!
- You and I have a mission…to spread the life-giving, soul-saving, heaven-directed message of the Gospel!

Quote of the Week
I try to give to the poor people for love what the rich could get for money.