Pastor’s Column

Last weekend we welcomed parishioners and guests to St. James for our parish’s Homecoming event. It was a glorious event! Thank you to the incredible team who helped organize and run the event.
While we proudly showcased our parish ministries and gather as a parish family to enjoy good food and fun, the Homecoming event also served as a reminder that it is up to us individually to constantly return to the Lord. Our beloved St. James parish is a privileged place to connect and reconnect with the One who loves us, teaches us, and calls us to serve.
Friends, as we launch into a new season where our schedules once again take on a frenetic pace and our lives (for better or for worse) quickly become busy with school, sports, work and countless priorities, let us continually and intentionally make time to listen to the Lord’s voice in our hearts, our lives and, most especially, in his book the Bible. I once again welcome you and your family HOME! That is, in my estimation, what the church ought to be – a place where you feel at home, where God is worshiped in a community of faith, and where we are strengthened and encouraged to serve our neighbor.
Quote of the Week
What does it cost us to say, “My God help me! Have mercy on me!” Is there anything easier than this? And this little will suffice to save us if we be diligent in doing it.