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Friends, as we approach the joyous season of Christmas, I am delighted to announce this year’s theme for our parish Christmas Tree: Child-like Christmas. This theme invites us all to reconnect with the wonder and joy of Christmas as seen through the eyes of a child.
We encourage each of you to bring an ornament from home that resonates with this theme. Perhaps it’s an ornament that brings back fond memories of your own childhood Christmases, or one that simply captures the innocence and magic of the season.
Additionally, we warmly invite our young parishioners to create their own ornaments to adorn our tree. This is a wonderful opportunity for children to express their creativity and share in the joy of decorating our parish Christmas Tree.
Let us come together to create a tree that is filled with memories, joy, and the spirit of a Child-like Christmas. May this tree remind us all of the simple, pure joy that Christmas brings, and may it inspire us to carry that joy into our hearts and homes.
Blessings to you and your families during this beautiful season.
Please make note that a lighting ceremony of the parish Christmas Tree in the narthex will be celebrated after the 5pm Mass on Saturday, December 14th (next Saturday). All are welcome – child-like in years and in heart 😉. Come and enjoy delicious treats, carol singing, and Christmas cheer!

Fr. David C. Santos, Pastor
Quote of the Week
I live each day to kill death; I die each day to beget life, and in this dying unto death, I die a thousand times and am reborn another thousand through that love from my people, which nourishes hope!