Message from the Pastor

Did you know that Mother’s Day was first observed soon after the turn of the twentieth century in the Methodist Church as a memorial service for those who had lost their mothers? The observance spread to other churches, and in 1914 became a civic holiday.
Today is Mother’s Day! Today we turn to God as we give thanks to Him for the gift of motherhood. “Where would we be without our mothers?” someone asked. “We’d be stuck with just our fathers!” came the response. (LOL!). Many of us learned to say our prayers from our mothers. We were brought to Mass (or dragged to Mass) and
the Sacraments or other parish events because it was important to our mothers, and because they knew it would be essential for us.
We learned our mother’s values and observed those values in their actions, and maybe that left an impression on you. A lot of us are in church this weekend because of our mothers or because of those mother-like women in our life. Today, a grateful society says “THANK YOU!”