Message from Fr. David September 26, 2021

A huge heartfelt ❤️ thank you to all who participated in our in-person Forward in Faith Listening Sessions this past Wednesday and Thursday.  Thank you for your honesty, your courage to share, and, above all, your willingness to trust.  Please know that I, along with your parish lay leadership, have heard you.  In addition to what was shared in the in-person sessions, we will also compile the information from the digital and paper survey and provide a report of the Forward in Faith Listening Sessions in due time.  These are exciting times here at Saint James!
I think having our parish choir  ? back in action has certainly contributed to the positive energy.  Last Sunday the choir sang for the first time at a Sunday Mass in quite some time.  Music is an almost indispensable part of our worship of God.  It ought to assist us in lifting our spirits as we give praise and glory to our God.  We are blessed to have such a talented and faithful Director of Music Ministry here at Saint James in the person of Dan Palko.  A big thanks to Dan and all the members of our wonderful parish choir who give so generously of their time and talent!
This weekend I begin my interviews with each of our parish’s Confirmandi.  These young people have worked hard in their preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation.  I look forward to meeting each of them individually and hearing from them not only what they’ve learned, but, more importantly, which Gift of the Holy Spirit they hope to receive at Confirmation.  Please remember to pray for our Confirmandi! ?
We are happy to welcome the students, staff, and teachers from the Edward V. Walton Primary School here at St. James.  Due to flood damage sustained by the Walton School building in the recent tropical storm, the Springfield Board of Education and Saint James Church have entered into a short-term lease agreement for the school building until their school is back up and running.
It truly is a blessing to see young students fill the halls of our beloved school building.  Best of luck to the students, staff, and teachers from the Walton Primary School!
On Monday, October 4th, at 7:00 PM in the church, we will be welcoming our CURRENT Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and Ministers of Hospitality for a Liturgical Ministers Workshop.
The focus of the workshop will be to regroup as our liturgical ministries continue to ramp up.  We hope that this event will be for our liturgical ministers a time to refocus on the importance of liturgical ministry.
If you are currently a Lector, Eucharistic Minister, or a Minister of Hospitality here at Saint James, please be sure to RSVP to your ministry’s coordinator ASAP.
There are those who seem outside the sheepfold yet are inside it, and others who seem inside but our actually outside.
—Saint Augustine of Hippo