Message from Fr. David July 25, 2021

Happy patronal feast day everyone!  On July 25th we celebrate the Feast of Saint James the Apostle (more on our patronal feast day below).

<![if !vml]><![endif]>The experience of the Amazon explorer is still very relevant this week.  A lot is happening in the rectory and church, so much so that I’m still waiting for my soul to catch up to my body…….    .

I sincerely hope you are making the necessary efforts to take time to be with family, friends, and loved ones during these days of summer.  We’ve all had an arduous year due to the Pandemic, so please don’t feel bad about investing in some individual self-care and family focused time.


News and Updates

<![if !vml]>7 Best clapping hands ideas | hand emoji, emoji, clapping hands emoji<![endif]>So far, I have individually met with each member of the parish staff, most members of the Parish Finance Council, the two Parish Pastoral Council leaders Darin Cerreto and Nancy Starzynski, both Parish Trustees Janet Petino and John Pflug.  We are blessed here at St. James to have such faith filled and active parish leaders!


In the next week or so I will be meeting with the Parish Finance Council to review our 2021 Financial Report and 2022 Budget, among other things. 

Then, I also hope to meet with individual local civic leaders and clergy from the local houses of worship. 

As I mentioned in last week’s bulletin column, we will continue to work towards reinstituting the regular participation of liturgical ministers.  Parishioners who have previously served as Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Altar Servers and Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers) should reach out to the following individuals if they are able to resume serving our parish.

* Eucharist Ministers: Chris Gaston,

* Lectors: Samantha Cappuccino,

* Ushers: John Petersen,

* Altar Servers: Nancy Caputo,


I’d like to thank the Scouts of Troop 73 and Mr. Rick Sayah, Scout Master, for their work in revitalizing the three landscaped areas in the parking lot immediately in front of the church and rectory.  Thank you for helping us    enhance the beauty of our campus just in time for the Feast of our patron, Saint James.?


Reflection on the Readings

I would be remiss if I didn’t say something about our patronal feast day, the Feast of Saint James the Apostle!


Did you know?

The scallop shell is the emblem of Saint James because, with grooves that radiate out to the edges, the shell     symbolizes the journey of faith. James was with Jesus through thick and thin: He was one of the first disciples to be called at the Sea of Galilee and one of the few to witness the Transfiguration.  His mission eventually took him to the ends of the earth, and he was the first of the apostles to be martyred.  But remember, just as the grooves of the scallop shell lead out, they also point back to the center.  On your own journey, like James, center yourself in Christ.