Message from Fr. David July 18, 2021

Thank you, Saint James community, for your kind and gracious welcome!  I feel so blessed to have joined such an energetic and faith-filled parish.

A big THANKS to our Hospitality Ministry for providing delicious treats after each of the Masses this past weekend as part of my welcome.  The friendly hospitality you provided is part of what makes this parish so special.

News and Updates

I am happy to announce that the parish has hired a part-time maintenance person, Pascal Tyra.  We haven’t had a maintenance person on staff for the rectory offices and the church in some time so there’s quite a lot of work for Pascal to do.  Welcome, Pascal, to our team!

As I mentioned in last week’s bulletin column, we will continue to work towards reinstituting the regular participation of liturgical ministers.  Parishioners who have previously served as Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Altar Servers and Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers) should reach out to the following individuals if they are able to resume serving our parish.

* Eucharist Ministers: Chris Gaston,

* Lectors: Samantha Cappuccino,

* Ushers: John Petersen,

* Altar Servers: Nancy Caputo,

Reflection on the Readings

In our gospel this weekend, things got so hectic that Jesus and His disciples didn’t even have time to eat.  So, He said to them, “Let us go off…to some place where we will be alone and you can rest a while.” (Mark 6:31)

An Amazon explorer tried a forced march through the jungle. However, by the third day, the native porters wouldn’t move, saying, “We can’t go on.  We have to let our souls catch up with our bodies.”

We all need to pause now and then to let our souls catch up with our bodies.  I hope that you and your family are able to take some time this summer to “pause” in order to allow your energy and spirit to catch up.




In His Peace,


Nancy Caputo

Director of Religious Education

Saint James the Apostle Church

41 South Springfield Avenue

Springfield, New Jersey 07081
