A Message from Fr. David – January 16, 2022

Archdiocesan Annual Appeal 2022:
The 2022 Archdiocesan Annual Appeal will officially be launching next weekend, January 23rd. In the coming days, families will be receiving a letter from Cardinal Tobin inviting them to make a gift to this year’s appeal. We plan on conducting the in-pew solicitation next weekend, January 23rd at all the Masses. The 2022 Annual Appeal will provide essential funds to the Annual Appeal’s case for support and advance mission-critical services and ministries throughout our four counties.
I hope that you will join me in supporting this crucial program of the Archdiocese of Newark!
The Chicago suburb of Oak Lawn had a problem – motorists weren’t coming to a complete stop at stop signs. So, in 2007 the mayor came up with a creative solution. He added a second, smaller octagonal sign to the town’s 50 or so stop signs that read:
“STOP…And smell the roses”
“STOP…No really, you gotta stop”
“STOP…Or I’m Telling Your Mom,”
“STOP…In the naaaame of love.” (Too early???)
And – it worked!!! People stopped at the stop signs. The additional signs were so imaginative and humorous people laughed and obeyed the Stop sign. Everybody laughed… except the Illinois Department of Transportation which deemed the signs violations of the Federal Uniform Traffic Control Act; they threatened to withhold funds if the signs weren’t removed. Sadly, the Mayor had to comply. The mayor believed that if he could just get the motorists to pay attention, then he could get his message across. The message was to STOP! It was an important message… he was using special signs to get his message across.
In our Gospel this weekend we’re told: Jesus did this (changing water into wine) as the beginning of his signs at Cana in Galilee and so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him. One scholar went through the Gospels and found at least 35 different miracles/signs that Jesus did during His ministry. Jesus performed a whole lot more MIRACLES during His ministry. These 35 or so that are in the Gospels were intended to teach us something. They were like SIGNPOSTS showing us God’s message. In other words, the miracles that Jesus did were intended to get people to PAY ATTENTION! They’re meant to help us see the Son of God for who He was… that He is the one we need to listen to!
Friends, the signs that we see in today’s Gospel are meant to get an important message across. As you begin a new week, allow the first of Jesus’ SIGNS to stay with you this week. Follow the example of Mary. Have faith and trust even when you don’t understand. If you want Jesus to turn water into wine in your life, you’ve got to provide Him with the stone jars.
Finally, do what Jesus tells you to do. Live how He asks you to live…then keep an eye out for His SIGNS which are manifestations of His power and love for you.
Quote of the Week
When Christ changed the water into wine by his power, the crowd rejoiced . . . . Today, it is at the banquet of the Church that we are all seated, for the wine is changed into the blood of Christ, and we drink it with blessed joy, glorifying the great bridegroom.