Message from Fr. David – December 19, 2021

News and Updates
I would like to offer a profound THANK YOU to Dan Palko, Director of Music Ministry, for sharing his gifts and musical talent here at St. James the Apostle Church. During our short time working together, Dan has proved to be an extraordinary musician and man of deep faith. In our conversation regarding Dan’s decision to retire from the music ministry, I assured Dan that the staff, the St. James Community, and I are so grateful for the time he served as Director of Music Ministry among us. I know that you will join me in praying that the Lord may bless Dan as he begins a new and exciting chapter of his life.
Friends, I ask for your patience during this time of transition. I have been working on temporary solutions to keep our music program going until we are able to conduct a more extensive search. In the meantime, if there is someone you know who is available and interested in a position as Director of Music Ministry, please have them contact me directly.
You may have noticed an upward trend in our Sunday Collections over the past few weeks…THANK YOU! Thank you for responding so generously to our appeal for your increased financial support. Your response to our appeal is humbling. Without exception, I see my role as leader of our parish community to be one that is necessarily tied to responsible stewardship of treasure. Along with the Parish Finance Council, we take seriously our need to maintain good management of the parish’s finances. As such, we are currently pursuing public and private grant opportunities to lessen the financial strain on you, our faithful parishioners, and to maximize the impact of every dollar that is generously given. If you have experience working in the “grant world” or with grant writing, and would like to support our efforts, please contact me directly.
FORWARD IN FAITH Listening Sessions Report
The Pastoral Council and I have decided to wait until after the Christmas season to share the report and our response to the report. Stay tuned for more to come in the new year!
Quote of the Week
The food of real love is sacrifice.