Message from Fr. David – December 12, 2021

News and Updates
You may have noticed an upward trend in our Sunday Collections over the past few weeks…THANK YOU! Thank you for responding so generously to our appeal for your increased financial support. Your response to our appeal is humbling. Without exception, I see my role as leader of our parish community to be one that is necessarily tied to responsible stewardship of treasure. Along with the Parish Finance Council, we take seriously our need to maintain good management of the parish’s finances. As such, we are currently pursuing public and private grant opportunities to lessen the financial strain on you, our faithful parishioners, and to maximize the impact of every dollar that is generously given. If you have experience working in the “grant world” or with grant writing and would like to support our efforts, please contact me directly.
I had a great meeting with the Parish Pastoral Council Monday, December 6th. It is wonderful and exciting to see your talented and faithful lay-leaders at work!!! Wow! Here are a few things we discussed, some of which is a preview of what’s to come!
- Flocknote is a parish communication tool that the Pastoral Council is exploring to launch here at St. James in the near future! This spectacular platform is super easy to use and will work to help keep parishioners – like you – connected and informed with all that’s happening here at St. James…more to come in the new year!
- The formation of a new Parish Life group that will brainstorm, plan, and organize community building and social events for the parish community.
- The St. James Centennial Committee is taking shape. The three co-chairs (Joan Bratsch, Maggie Keffer, and Rita Lombardi) and I will be meeting to discuss the formation of the Centennial Committee and the committee’s first steps in organizing this momentous milestone in the life of our parish.
FORWARD IN FAITH Listening Sessions Report
The Pastoral Council and I have decided to wait until after the Christmas season to share the report and our response to the report. Stay tuned for more to come in the new year!
Quote of the Week
Division is always a sign of the dwarfed soul, the heart which has yet to grow up enough.