Message from Fr. David August 29, 2021
News and Updates
It’s that time of year again…you know, when college students begin their trek to campus, high school students finalize their class schedules, and elementary students begin going to bed earlier to get ready for the school year…LOL.
Please know that I am praying for all our students who are returning or have returned to campus and the classroom. May this academic year be one that’s filled with opportunity, joy, and a renewed sense of hope for the future. God speed, be safe, and do well!
Forward in Faith Listening Sessions
My first weekend with you I said that I didn’t yet have a vision for the parish because I haven’t asked you. As the leader of this faith community, it is important for me to work with you and listen to you as we map out a path into the future. Part of my plan in guiding the parish forward is to offer two in-person listening sessions where I and the parish’s lay leadership are present (Parish staff, Finance Council, Pastoral Council, and Trustees). These listening session are designed to encourage parishioners to share their thoughts on what the parish’s priorities are and should be. My hope is that together we will formulate a vision for the future of our parish.
These are the two dates for the Listening Sessions, which will be held in the church:
– Wednesday, September 22nd, at 10AM
– Thursday, September 23rd, at 7PM
In addition to the two listening sessions, I’d like to make available both a paper and a digital survey for those who aren’t comfortable/able to attend the in-person sessions.
Rev. John Dennehy
I am pleased to announce that Fr. Dennehy will return to St. James as a weekend assistant beginning September. Fr. Dennehy has been assisting our parish for over 20 years and so we are happy to have him back.
Reflection on the Readings
What a big difference it made to Tina and Rick when the last of their kids went off to school and just the two of them were in the house. They discovered that they had no one to blame things on! One day Rick was looking for a screwdriver and couldn’t find it. He was sure that Todd, their youngest, had used it and failed to put it back where it belonged. For days he griped to Tina about the kids not taking responsibility and failing to respect the property of others.
Tina, as well, discovered the jar of her favorite moisturizer empty and was absolutely positive that Christine, their daughter, had used the last of it and failed to replace the jar. She echoed Rick’s complaints about Todd with her own about Christine; about how her daughter expected Mom to do everything and didn’t take enough initiative, blah blah blah. Then Tina discovered the forgotten new jar of moisturizer that Christine had bought her in the same bathroom drawer where Rick found his screwdriver that he left there himself after fixing a leaky faucet. Both had fallen victim to pinning their errors on others.
Friends, Jesus reminds us that when things go wrong, we can most often find responsibility lying at our own doorsteps.
It is the mea culpa (my fault) of the true confession, the recognition that we are accountable for our actions.
So before you go blame someone else, be sure to check the bathroom drawer ?.
Quote of the Week
The highest form of wisdom is kindness.
—The Talmud