Message from Fr. David August 15, 2021
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Reflection on the Readings
It is a rare occasion for the Church to celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on a Sunday. We get to share this delightful hour together in a way that’s not possible mid-week, weary after work or on a hurried lunch break. Thank God for the opportunity for us to celebrate this wonderful solemnity together as a community of faith!
For her courageous discipleship, God blessed Mary during her difficult life, and at her death, God assumed her bodily into heaven, where she now enjoys full union with her Lord. Mary, as one of us, points to what awaits the Church and all disciples who wait in hope for full union with God. While not in Scripture, Mary’s bodily assumption into heaven is an ancient Church belief. The solemnity not only celebrates Mary’s assumption, but, as she is the primary symbol of the Church, Mary’s assumption points to the fullness of salvation that will be given to the entire Church with the Lord’s Second Coming. Where she has gone, we poor sinners hope to follow. Until that day, we rejoice in the help of her prayers, and we unite ourselves to the sacrifice of Christ’s Body and Blood, the pledge of our resurrection.
Mary, Mother of the Church and our Mother, pray for our parish community!

Quote of the Week:
Today Earth has sent a priceless gift up to heaven, so that by giving and receiving within the blessed bond of friendship, the human is wedded to the divine, Earth to heaven, the depths to the heights. . . .
—Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153).