Message from Fr. David

Dear Friends,
The Christmas season is one that is profuse with merriment and joy, and in this day and age, with a heavy emphasis on giving and receiving gifts. In our culture, the exchange of presents among friends, family, coworkers, and even casual acquaintances can cause a great deal of stress and can be a big contributor to the frenzied seasonal pace we often lament.
As a Catholic community of faith, we at St. James have a beautiful opportunity to flip the script, and make this season one that is centered, not on presents, but on God’s presence.
Throughout the season of Advent, we were invited by the Church’s liturgy and readings, parish programs, and our personal devotions to prepare our hearts for the birth of Jesus Christ, and to attune our souls to the multitude of ways that, as St. Paul write in 1 Corinthians 13:6, God’s Spirit “dwells within” us.
I pray that each of you receives many gifts of God’s presence this season:
- Each time you receive the EUCHARIST, may the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ unite you with God and with each other.
- Each time you pause to PRAY, may your covenantal relationship with God be fortified and may you feel yourself drawing closer to Him.
- Each time you hear Christ speak through SCRIPTURE, may the gift of his Word resonate with your spirit.
- Each time you gather in WORSHIP, may you join your hearts together as the Body of Christ, becoming his continued presence in our world.
We are blessed to have so many opportunities to center God’s presence this Christmas season. I am grateful to celebrate alongside you and I am privileged to server you as your pastor. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
May God bless you this Christmas season!

Fr. David C. Santos, Pastor