Message from Fr. David – January 2, 2022

News and Updates:
This weekend’s celebration of the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord grips our attention with the flickering light of a star. A star, as we hear in the Gospel of Matthew, that led the magi to the newborn king, the infant Jesus.
The invitation in this week’s Feast should be obvious – to allow the light of Christ to shine through us as to draw others to Him.
We are blessed here at St. James to have so many bright lights abounding in our parish. THANK YOU to all those “bright lights” who have helped make this Christmas Season one for the books!
Thank you to the choir members and musicians, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ministers of Hospitality, Liturgical Environment volunteers, altar servers, deacons, parish staff, and the many volunteers who have helped our community grow closer to our Lord through the worthy celebration of His Nativity!
Thank you for allowing your light of faith to shine brightly so others can see our Lord more clearly!
Quote of the Week
Myrrh signified that he, for our mortal human race, would die and be buried; gold, that he was the King whose reign would be without end; incense, that he was God who came to make himself known . . . and to show himself to those who had never sought him.