Join the Saint James Choir
You are invited to join the music ministry at St. James the Apostle as we begin a new season in September under the direction of Mr. Philip La Gala.
Our choir provides music at the 5:00pm (monthly), 10:00am (twice month), and 12:00pm noon (monthly) Masses, from September through June. We also enhance liturgies during holy days and special masses.
Rehearsals take place every Thursday in the Church, beginning promptly at 7:00pm and typically last about an hour. All interested members (high school age and older) are welcome to join our community of song and no prior singing experience is necessary.
Please contact Philip La Gala with any questions at, or feel free to speak with him after mass.
Our first rehearsal will take place on Thursday, September 12th at 7:00pm in the Church.