From the Pastor – September 13, 2020
With the opening of school, districts vary as to whether tohave in-school classes, remote learning, or a hybrid of both. Both parents andteachers are concerned about safety, especially that of the faculty andchildren. Prior to the opening of school, there were demonstrations by bothparents and teachers about the safety of all who need to use the schoolbuildings. It remains to be seen what happens as we progress through the fall.Some of the colleges which had opened for in-school classes have now closed andsent students home because some students tested positive for COVID-19. This only shows us how our lives and oursociety have been affected by the pandemic, and there might be a second roundthis fall. Remember to wear a mask when you go out, social distance, stay athome whenever possible (especially good advice for our senior parishioners),and wash your hands often. If we all follow the protocol, we can beat thisvirus.
Forgiveness is one of those issues we would rather notthink about. We pray for forgiveness every time we pray the Lord’s Prayer. Yet,for some of us, forgiveness is not in our vocabulary. In today’s Gospel, theparable that Matthew uses to express forgiveness is Jesus reminding hisapostles of the importance and necessity of forgiveness. We expect God toforgive us, yet some of us have difficulty forgiving ourselves and each other.When we forgive ourselves and others, we maintain that intimate relationship ofFather and Son expressed for us by Jesus Christ. Forgiveness allows us to healand to be healed and to maintain a balance in our lives so that we can continueto be a vibrant and vital sign of Christ’s presence to one another.
During the pandemic, we have learned to be more attentiveto one another and to look out for each other as we attempt to survive thevirus. Maybe COVID-19 has made us more sensitive to one another and to what ishappening around us. Hopefully, it has also helped us to not hold grudgesagainst each other because they only tend to be negative and destructive, andwe need positive signs of healing and health during this difficult time. As AAsays “ let go, and let God.” If we canaccomplish that, then we will be able to maintain a healthy relationship withGod and each other.
CONGRATULATIONS to our children who celebratedEucharist for the first time yesterday. May they continue to be nurtured at theLord’s table.
WELCOME,BISHOP CRUZ! BIENVENIDA OBISPO CRUZ!! Manny will confirm our youngpeople on Saturday in two ceremonies. It is always a pleasure to welcome Mannyto our parish!!