From the Pastor – Sept. 16, 2018

Today is CATECHETICAL SUNDAY, in the Catholic Church within the United States. Each year, the bishops designate the Third Sunday in September as a reminder of the importance of the teaching Ministry of the Word. This year’s theme is: “ENLISTING WITNESSES FOR JESUS CHRIST.” By virtue of our baptism, each of us is a witness for Jesus as he calls us to proclaim the Good News to all we meet. Sometimes, though, we forget what our responsibility is as a member of the church. To be a witness for Jesus is not just the responsibility of the priests, deacons and religious. It is the responsibility of all of us to give witness to Jesus by who we are and how we live or lives.
We always need new people to teach the Word to our children, youth and adults. This ministry takes time and a willingness to share our faith with others. The interesting thing about the teaching ministry is that when we are involved in it, our lives become even more enriched.
NANCY CAPUTO, OUR D.R.E. & ANN MARIE GESUALDO, OUR 8th GRADE/CONFIRMATION/YOUTH COORDINATOR, & ALL OUR PARISH CATECHISTS, will be blessed and commissioned at the 12:00 Mass today. As they have accepted the opportunity to bring the Good News to our children, youth and adults, they also reflect what their faith means to them so that together we discover the wonder that Jesus, THE catechist, is in our lives. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR CATECHISTS!!!
In today’s Gospel, Peter is eager to proclaim Jesus as the Christ but doesn’t want to deal with the image of a suffering Christ. Yet, it is through his suffering and death that we are all freed from our sins, and restored to a right relationship with God through the resurrection. Yet, after the resurrection, Peter and all the apostles went out, proclaiming the Good News of Jesus to all they met.
So, the same opportunity is given to us, hoping that we will be as faithful to the Lord and his message, as were the apostles. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit we are able to proclaim Jesus as Messiah and Lord in who we are and what we believe.