From the Pastor – Palm Sunday 2020
We begin a very different Holy Week today. There are no congregation and processions this week. It is still the most serious and solemnweek in the church year. Holy Week this year has taken on a different coloration because of the coronavirus pandemic. This week beginsas always on this day with the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. As cloaks and palms are laid on the ground before him, Jesus offers his audience the opportunity to recognize who he is as God’s Son. Many came to believe in him, but there was a group who couldn’t comprehend who he was or what he did for them. As we read and reflect on Matthew’s Passion, we are reminded of all that Jesus suffered so that we could be freed from our sins. Hissacrifice for us shows the depth of his love for us. I wonder what his reaction would be to this pandemic. As Pope Francis prayed onMarch 27 in his Urbi & Orbi blessing that Jesus would heal us, maybe Jesus would want us to watch out and care for one another as hedid for us. Yes, life as we know it right now is very different, but that doesn’t prevent us from praying to the Lord asking for healing anda sense of hope in all of this. One good thing is that we have individuals and groups caring for others in a variety of ways. Obviously,these actions are responses of care and concern for others, and hopefully, a response for whatever faith in which we believe. Yes, these are definitely different times for us, and hopefully, we can be just as vigilant in our faith as ever, and maybe more so. Eventhough we cannot come into the church to pray, we can always pray at home as we have been used to doing. We also must maintain ourhope in our God who watches over and cares for all of us. To help you through Holy Week and Easter, I have included the schedule ofthe services to be live streamed. Mass today, at 10:30 AM, Holy Thursday, at 7:30 PM, Good Friday at 3:00 PM, Easter Vigil at 7:30 PM& Easter Sunday at 10:30 AM. If you are not able to watch the services at home, why not go to a friend who can and watch themtogether? All the services will be online because no one is allowed in the church during the live-streaming; except those of us who areleading the service. Palms will be available on a table outside the church, along with the Easter white books, and this bulletin.Be safe. Be well. As I said in the video and in the letter, I am always available to you if you need anything. HAPPY PALM SUNDAY!! FELICE DOMENICA DELLE PALME!! FELIZ DOMIGO DE RAMOS!!
~ Fr. Joe