From the Pastor – Oct. 1, 2017
October has always been designated as the month of the rosary. It is the church’s way of reminding us of the important place the rosary has in its life. The last Living Rosary will be on Friday, October 13. The Living Rosaries have commemorated the 100th anniversary of the appearances of Mary at Fatima.
Today’s Gospel is about integrity and honesty. It is important to always remember that we have to be true to ourselves, as well as to our family, friends and God. One son in the story refused to follow his father’s wish, but later changed his mind. maybe he realized that his father needed him to work, and it would be better if he did what his father asked him.
The other son agreed with the father, but then decided not to go into the vineyard. Maybe he thought it wasn’t necessary. We always have choices to make; to do what is right or not to do it. As a people of faith we are asked to live what Jesus calls us to be, a sign of his presence for others. This is not possible if we are only concerned about ourselves and our own needs. The kingdom is not about us, but about God, as we are invited to be instruments of and not obstacles to God’s grace. Does it mean it’s always easy or what we want? Not necessarily. But it does mean that we have a responsibility to ourselves to be true to the calling of the Lord. When we understand this, then it is easier for us to accept the Lord’s challenge to be a vibrant sign of his presence in our lives.
Once we accept the challenge of the Lord, then we go forward to touch each person we meet with our faith, our care and concern, and most especially, the loving presence of the Lord who calls us all by name.
Next Sunday, the Catholic Church celebrates the 50th anniversary of the restored Permanent Diaconate. Deacons were always a part of the life of the early church , but eventually deacons became less and less important in the life of the church. Vatican II changed all of that because the council saw the Permanent Diaconate as a vital part of the ministry of the church. We are fortunate to have three Permanent Deacons in our parish, JERRY BONGIOVANNI, DAN O’NEILL & ART BANDEL, and a fourth,
CONGRATULATIONS TO JOE FURNAGUERA, who was ordained a transitional deacon in Rome on Thursday, September 28, by Bishop James Checchio, Bishop of Metuchen. Joe will be ordained a priest next May and celebrate his First Mass in our parish.