From the Pastor – November 17, 2019
Last Sunday we had a wonderful celebration for our veterans and their families. There was a blessing for theveterans at the 12:00 noon Mass, followed by a luncheon in the school cafeteria. This was the second year wehave honored our veterans with a Veterans Appreciation Mass and Luncheon. We will continue this traditionnext year. There is a lot of preparation for an event like this, and the involvement of a number of people. So, THANKYOU to: MARYLOU KJELLE, for organizing this event again this year; ANN MARIE GESUALDO,ETHAN STEWART, MATTHEW KJELLE & TINA DUNN, for their help in setting up for event; MAYOR ERICA DUBOIS & THE MEMBERS OF THE TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE & LINDADONNELLY, TOWN CLERK, for their presence at the Mass and luncheon, and for the Proclamationfrom the Township committee; THE HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE, for help with food set up and theserving of the food; the PASTORAL COUNCIL, for their presence and support of the event; BOY SCOUTTROOP 73, for their color guard, and help with serving and cleaning up; LISA JACKOWSKI, forphotographing the event; KENN FERNANDEZ, for live streaming the Mass; CHRISTOPHER CHIN, forsharing it on social media; MATT WILSON & THE SAINTJAMES ADULT CHOIR, for the patriotic music at both the Mass and luncheon; THE SAINT JAMESSCHOOL CHILDREN & TRACI BURNS, THEIR ART TEACHER, as well as the PRE-K – GRADE 8 CLASSROOM TEACHERS, for the patriotic artwork thatdecorated the gym; and ALL THE VETERANS & THEIR FAMILIES, who attended both the VeteransAppreciation Mass and Luncheon. Your presence in our lives is a blessing that truly embodies the wordsof John 15:13, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for a friend.” And thank you to ALL OF YOU, whowere present at the Veterans Appreciation Mass, and for your support of our veterans. In today’s Gospel, Jesus is reminding us that, no matter what happens, he will always be present to us andwith us. As we get closer to the end of the Liturgical Year next week, hopefully we can look back to see howwell we have listened to the Lord and help bring his message of new life to all we have met this year.
Happy November! Fr. Joe