From the Pastor – November 1, 2020
TODAY IS THE FEAST OF ALL SAINTS! This is the day when the church reminds us of the thousands of men and women who took the Gospel seriously enough to live according to it and to die because of it. They are models for us to emulate, for as they used their gifts to help make the kingdom of God a reality for the people they met, we are encouraged to do the same. St. Paul has said that everyone who does the will of God is a saint. While the church may not officially recognize us as saints, we are still invited and encouraged to help others experience the presence of Christ through us. Today’s Gospel is the Sermon on the Mount. The setting is Jesus on a mountain as he speaks to his disciples. Matthew parallels this with Moses on the mountain as he receives the 10 Commandments. Jesus offers his apostles a different way to live what they believe. The Beatitudes are about how we can be faithful followers of Jesus. They are also about how we care for one another through our words and deeds. This all sounds simple enough, but sometimes it’s difficult to do. We can easily be distracted by all sorts of events and situations, including ourselves. The pandemic can be an easy excuse for not accepting the Lord’s invitation because of fear of contracting COVID-19. Yet, if this pandemic has taught us anything, it is that we have to watch out for each other as well as ourselves. No matter the circumstances, the Gospel still has to be preached and lived. As the Lord keeps inviting us to come and see, come and listen, and come and experience, he still send us forth to help make the Gospel real for others. Imagine if the saints only wanted to preach the Gospel when it was convenient for them. Then they wouldn’t be saints! They took the invitation seriously so that who they were, what they believed and how they lived reflected the invitation to proclaim the Gospel, no matter the situation. We are invited to do the same. Tomorrow is All Souls Day. Each year we pray Evening Prayer of the Dead for members of our parish and families who have died this past year. We would also display the Book of the Dead with the names of the recently deceased. Because of COVID-19, Evening Prayer this year will be virtual, with the link on our website, The Book of the Dead will not be displayed. Since there is limited seating in the church, there will be no one in attendance. Also, the names the dead will be proclaimed at Evening Prayer and posted on the bulletin board in the Gathering Area. While this may not be acceptable to some, the purpose is to keep everyone safe. I ask for your understanding. Hopefully, things will be different next year. HAPPY ALL SAINTS DAY!!!FELICE FESTA DI TUTTI I SANTI!!!FELIZ DIA DE TODOS LOS SANTOS!!! FR. JOE