From the Pastor – May 23, 2021
“HOLY SPIRIT, LORD DIVINE, COME, FROM HEIGHTS OF HEAV’N AND SHINE, COME WITH BLESSED RADIANCE BRIGHT!COME, O FATHER OF THE POOR, COME WHOSE TREASURED GIFTS ENDURE, COME, OUR HEARTS UNFAILING LIGHT!” (An Easter Sourcebook, p. 155). Today is the FEAST OF PENTECOST! It is the birthday of the church because this is when the missionary life of the church began. The apostles didn’t know what they were supposed to do after the Ascension of Jesus. It was the presence of the Holy Spirit that energized them to go forward to all the places in the known world and bring the Good News of Jesus to all they met. They accepted the challenge, and as they went forward, many of them died because of their faith. Saint James was the first apostle to be martyred because of the faith. This challenge is now presented to all of us. This doesn’t mean that we have to travel to foreign countries or unknown places to help make the Gospel of Jesus real for others. But it does mean that we have an opportunity to reflect the Good News in all we are as God’s people and in all that we do. Since that is the mission of the church, and since we are the church, it is our responsibility as well. This doesn’t necessarily mean that it is difficult. It does mean, though, that we are a sign of the presence of Jesus and guided by the Spirit to bring the Good News to others by our faith, our words and actions, and the way we live. THANK YOU to DARIN CERRETO & NANCY STARZINSKY, for organizing the group of volunteers who planted flowers around the rectory and church. It was great watching them help make spring a reality here. HAPPY PENTECOST!!!FR. JOE