From the Pastor – May 16, 2021
“WHEN EVERYONE HAS ANSWERED “AMEN,” THE DEACON SAYS: “ATTEND!” THE BISHOP THEN ADDRESSES THE PEOPLE WITH THESE WORDS: “HOLY THINGS TO THE HOLY!” THE PEOPLE ANSWER: ONE ONLY HOLY ONE, ONE ONLY LORD, JESUS CHRIST, WHO IS BLESSED FOREVER, TO THE GLORY OF THE FATHER. AMEN.” (An Easter Sourcebook, p. 135). Today is THE FEAST OF THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD. It was transferred from Thursday to today by the Bishops of New Jersey. Cardinal Tobin’s decree about the Ascension is in today’s bulletin. The Ascension commemorates the end of the earthly ministry of Jesus, as he returns to the Father and entrusts his ministry to the apostles. That ministry has now been given to each of us. By virtue of our baptism, we are commissioned to proclaim the Good News, not just by our words, but also by our actions. Like the apostles, we are sent forth into the world to be signs of Christ’s presence so that others will know what we know and hopefully come to believe what we believe because of what we do. In today’s Gospel Jesus is reminding the apostles and all of us that this is a serious ministry, entrusted to those who are willing to follow the example that Jesus has given us. Not everyone we meet will be receptive to the message, but that doesn’t make it any less important and serious. The challenge is always given to us. Whether we accept it or not depends on how willing we are to enter into the intimate relationship of Father and Son which nurtures us. The final total of our Easter collection is $34,495. Thank you for your continued fidelity and generosity to our parish, especially in this difficult time. You are the reason why I can say how privileged and proud I am to serve as your pastor. GOD BLESS YOU!!! HAPPY ASCENSION!!!FR. JOE