From the Pastor – March 7, 2021

WHEN HUMAN RIGHTS ARE PERVERTED IN THE PRESENCE OF THE MOST HIGH, WHEN ONE’S CASE IS SUBVERTED – DOES THE LORD NOT SEE IT? MY EYES WILL FLOW WITHOUT RESPITE, UNTIL THE LORD FROM HEAVEN LOOKS DOWN AND SEES.” (A Lent Sourcebook:  The Forty Days, Book One, p. 217). It is incredible that over 500,000 Americans have died from COVID-19. The vaccines should help ease the effects of the pandemic. But, even if we are vaccinated, we still have to wear our masks, maintain social distancing, and wash our hands. We all look forward to the day when all of this is not necessary. In the meantime, we still have to protect ourselves and each other.
The Ten Commandments were the principles that guided Jesus and all the Jews of his time. However, Jesus has given us another set of principles by which to live our lives. These are the Beatitudes found in Matthew 5. The Beatitudes are admonitions of what we can do and be as God’s people. They call us to live as a vibrant sign of Christ’s presence in our lives so that others will know how serious we are in following Jesus.
Following Jesus means that we take seriously the message of the Gospels and radiate it to all the world. Lent is always a good time to reflect on how well or poorly we accomplish this. It is also a good time to consider what changes we need to make in our lives so that we can be a better sign of Christ. For most of us, this requires little adjustments because we are sent to help build the Kingdom of God on earth. It means standing up for injustice in our lives, our church, our country, and our world. It means that we have something better and different to offer each other and that is the abiding presence of Jesus who always calls us to goodness, holiness and conversion.
Jesus has revealed to us the secret of his heart and insight into the kingdom. What we do with them depends on how serious we are in following him.