From the Pastor – Easter Sunday 2020
Today is the FEAST OF EASTER! This is the day that the Lord has made. It is a day of resurrection and newlife. But Easter is also a season of 50 Days, the Great Period of Mystagogia. That means we have 50 days to reflecton the impact of the resurrection in our lives, and how our lives have been transformed by the resurrection.Easter gives us a reason to hope, especially this year when COVID-19 prevents us from gathering as a communityof faith and celebrating the new life that Jesus gained for us by his resurrection. The world around us is remindingus that everything has changed.Nature is regaling us with the beauty of flowers and trees, as if God is remindingus how important we are to him and need to be for each other. We have learned how to live with each other bysocial distancing from one another. The only gatherings allowed are with our families as we celebrate thisincredible event in our lives. While the world around us has changed and forced us to change our behavior, thatshould not prevent us from living with our faith in a God who has not abandoned us but sustains us with hisincredibly generous love. The resurrection instills in each of us that all will be well, because Jesus has transformed us, is present with each ofus, showing us the way to him and one another. But he also reminds us that we have to care for each other. Jesusshowed us this by his life, ultimately suffering an excruciating death to remind us of that. But his resurrection hasshown us a new way to live, not with doom and gloom, but with hope and joy as we celebrate the new life hegained for us. One way for us to remain in touch with each other is by watching the Mass as it is live-streamed each Sunday inour church at 10:30AM (check our webpage or Facebook for the links) or by watching Cardinal Tobin at 12:00NOON on the archdiocesan website One is a touchstone with our local parish, while the other is atouchstone with the archdiocese. Either way we celebrate the gift Jesus gave us, his Body and Blood, even if weare not able to receive it right now. Eventually we will. There is no question that our lives, our world, and our church are different right now. But the hope that is engendered in each of us by the presence of the Risen Christ should not only challenge us to live as a people renewedbut also comfort us, knowing that he is present in each of us and our community so that we can live our lives inpeace, joy and hope. As Mary Magdalene was surprised when she visited the tomb to find that Jesus was not there,so we should be just as surprised that he lives in the Word, the Eucharist, and especially in one another. Thismakes Easter very worthwhile and important for us who claim to be his followers!! On behalf of our entire Parish Staff: FR. TONY, FR. JOHN, DEACON JERRY, DEACON DAN,NANCY CAPUTO, KAREN COCCO, ANN MARIE GESUALDO, DAN PALKO, CAROLINEPONTERIO, OUR SUPPORT STAFF & MYSELF, I want to wish you and your families a HAPPY &HOLY EASTER & EASTER SEASON! May these 50 Days of Mystagogia help us reflect more deeply on theresurrection, and help us through these difficult times. HAPPY EASTER!! BUONA PASQUA!! FELIZ PASCUA DE RESURRECCION!! ~ Fr. Joe