Eucharistic Congress 2024
2024 EUCHARISTIC ROSARY CONGRESS SAINT JAMES THE APOSTLE CHURCH Signup to lead one of the rosaries or attend the vigil
2024 EUCHARISTIC ROSARY CONGRESS SAINT JAMES THE APOSTLE CHURCH Signup to lead one of the rosaries or attend the vigil
Soldier-turned-priest uses near-death military experiences to inspire faith in others. David Santos observed the absolute worst of humanity while fighting in the Iraq War. Yet the evil he experienced did not poison his soul.
The 2024 Annual Appeal has begun! Each year we are invited to participate in the Annual Appeal, which is an opportunity to support essential ministries and programs of our Archdiocese. Your sacrificial support makes it possible for us to carry out the important work that we are called to do as missionary disciples of Jesus….
Please join Fr. Santos and the Pastoral Council in welcoming our new members: Jenny Bernard | Andrew Kerwin | Patricia Morris | Michael Ryan. Thank you for saying “yes” to the call to serve.
Mental Health MinistryFeatured on Pope’s Prayer Network We pray that mental health ministry becomes an integral ministry in the Church that is available in every Catholic parish and community. We pray for the elimination of the stigma and discrimination that people living with a mental illness encounter. Visit or download the app in your…
Caridades Católicas de la Arquidiócesis de Newark Es hora de que te ocupes de tu salud mental Programas gratuitos en el Condado de Union505 South Avenue East, Cranford, NJ 07016 Tu mente es tu mayor recurso Acompáñanos para programas gratuitos de salud mental en el condado de Union Consejería de salud mental para adultos mayores…
The Finance Council and I are delighted to share with you that St. James has reached our 2022 Annual Appeal goal! Thank you for your generous support of this important annual appeal.