Message from Fr. David, April 3, 2022
I am excited to announce that after important upgrades to the church security cameras and church door access, beginning Monday, April 4th the church will be open for prayer during the week.
I am excited to announce that after important upgrades to the church security cameras and church door access, beginning Monday, April 4th the church will be open for prayer during the week.
On behalf of the entire St. James parish community, it is a pleasure to welcome Bishop Elias to St. James Church. We are honored by his presence… his presence among us reminds us that our parish is a member in the ecclesial Body of Christ
During the season of Lent, we will use the many opportunities we have already scheduled for public prayer in the parish to include the prayer intention for Peace in the Ukraine.
Lent is a very special time – a time of preparation for Easter. The power of Lent forces us to confront two important truths, truths we are very good at avoiding and ignoring.
This Lent, we have partnered with the Hallow team to provide Hallow Plus access to all parishioners for FREE through Easter. After Easter, you can opt into keeping a subscription to Hallow Plus for a 20% discount or continue on with the free content.
I would say that there is no commandment of Jesus which has caused so much discussion and debate as the commandment to love our enemies. Note that Jesus isn’t telling them just to passively tolerate them, but to actively do kind things for them.
As Catholics, for too long we underestimated the presence of God in the Sacred Scriptures. We can be sure that each time we read the Scriptures or hear the Scriptures proclaimed in the liturgy, God’s spirit is dynamically at work. God’s Word is living and true as inspired by the Holy Spirit.
As Catholics, we believe that the Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is the gift that fulfills our Lord’s words to us when He said: “I will be with you always, even until the end of time.”
Friends, please be assured that I will continue to minister to this wonderful parish community with zeal and love and work hard to ensure that the sacramental needs of our parish are adequately provided for.
Here are the most relevant reasons why my options are limited and how this will impact our parish
How many of us have felt the same interminable wait for a simple prayer to be answered much less the promises of salvation to be fulfilled? Surely the people of Nazareth, upon hearing Jesus’ announcement in the temple that He was the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecies of the coming of a Messiah, must have thought: Sorry, Bud, it’s too little, too late. But what they—and most of us—fail to realize is that we will never have to wait again.