Reflection on the Readings
Friends, Advent is not our annual invitation to winter slumber and daydreams about white Christmases and chestnuts roasting on open fires.
Friends, Advent is not our annual invitation to winter slumber and daydreams about white Christmases and chestnuts roasting on open fires.
The goal to determine the most beneficial use and disposition of the school and convent property while meeting the established objectives set by the Campus Redevelopment Committee has to-date been an arduous task.
Jesus knows that if our outsides are not informed and illuminated by our insides, we are no better than the Pharisees for whom the externals were everything.
“The trouble with politicians today”, a friend said to me one evening, “is that they always tell us that if we vote for them things will get better. If only they’d tell us the truth…
Today’s Gospel tells of an allegory in which Jesus describes how a landowner (God the Father) planted a vineyard (Israel and then later the Church) and then the tenants rebelled against the landowner, seized the landowner’s servants; beat the servants; and stoned the servants.
The only way we’re going to see things God’s way is to “seek the Lord while he may be found”—to seek communion with the Holy One.
Friends, today we come face-to-face with what it means to be Christian. Our religion is a religion whose mission throughout history has been to declare to the world that Jesus Christ is Lord, the Son of God!
God, who never tires of the task at hand, keeps on cheerfully offering us opportunities for love, justice, peace, mercy, salvation. This joyous seed is scattered liberally through our days as we duck, shirk, refuse, and deny.
Today is Mother’s Day! Today we turn to God as we give thanks to Him for the gift of motherhood. “Where would we be without our mothers?” someone asked. “We’d be stuck with just our fathers!” came the response.
Voices are significant in our communication as persons. But to know what makes the voice so effective in communication is our ability and willingness to listen!