Golf Outing 2024
JOIN US! Join us for our golf outing or through our sponsorship packages. Proceeds to benefit Saint James the Apostle Church, Springfield NJ. Thank you for your support!
JOIN US! Join us for our golf outing or through our sponsorship packages. Proceeds to benefit Saint James the Apostle Church, Springfield NJ. Thank you for your support!
2024 EUCHARISTIC ROSARY CONGRESS SAINT JAMES THE APOSTLE CHURCH Signup to lead one of the rosaries or attend the vigil
Congratulations to the Class of 2024 graduates! May God bless your next steps.
I am delighted to share with you the mid-year update for our beloved parish. The spirit of our community continues to flourish, and I am filled with gratitude for your partnership.
Fr. David Santos’ journey to the priesthood led him through the war zones of Iraq. Now he serves Christ and fights for souls as a pastor in New Jersey.
Soldier-turned-priest uses near-death military experiences to inspire faith in others. David Santos observed the absolute worst of humanity while fighting in the Iraq War. Yet the evil he experienced did not poison his soul.
As we approach Memorial Day, a time of remembrance and gratitude for the sacrifices made by our brave men and women in uniform, I am compelled to share with you the profound impact that my Catholic faith has had on me during my time serving as an airborne infantryman
I’d like to use this update to the parish to highlight some questions you may have. Here are some of the points that the Campus Redevelopment Committee and I, in coordination with the Finance Council, along with our legal counsel, architect and engineers, are currently addressing.