
Message from Fr. David October 31, 2021

Last weekend we publish our 2021 Annual Parish Report. Please know how fortunate I feel to serve you. Further, I am privileged to be working with a great clergy and lay staff, and very gifted Finance and Pastoral Councils. In this report, the Finance Council and I hope to provide you with a snapshot of our current state of the parish. As you read the report, we ask that you do so keeping in mind the following: the purpose of the report is more than just a snapshot of where we are as a parish, it is an important point of departure as we move forward in faith towards where we want to go


Message from Fr. David October 24, 2021

This weekend we publish our 2021 Annual Parish Report.  Please know how fortunate I feel to serve you.   Further, I am privileged to be working with a great clergy and lay staff, and very gifted Finance and Pastoral Councils. In this report, the Finance Council and I hope to provide you with a snapshot of our current state of the parish.


Message from Fr. David October 17, 2021

A BIG THANK YOU to all the organizers of the Parish Festival!  Even after not having the Festival for close to two years, you made this year’s festival a unique success.  I also would like to acknowledge, on behalf of our parish community, all the volunteers, benefactors, local partners, and guests for your presence, participation, and assistance.  In more ways than one, this year’s festival was like no other.


Message from Fr. David October 10, 2021

It’s here!  The Parish Festival has arrived!  A big thanks to all the parishioners who have given so much of their time in planning for a successful Parish Festival.  As I said at the Masses a few weeks ago, while the Parish Festival Leadership Team has worked hard to make this year’s festival successful, it simply cannot be successful without your participation and assistance.