Small Group Fall 2023
Join us for a unique and exciting small group experience based on “The Chosen: Season 2”, a groundbreaking streaming series based on the Gospels.
Join us for a unique and exciting small group experience based on “The Chosen: Season 2”, a groundbreaking streaming series based on the Gospels.
Today’s Gospel tells of an allegory in which Jesus describes how a landowner (God the Father) planted a vineyard (Israel and then later the Church) and then the tenants rebelled against the landowner, seized the landowner’s servants; beat the servants; and stoned the servants.
The only way we’re going to see things God’s way is to “seek the Lord while he may be found”—to seek communion with the Holy One. SCHEDULE October 6, Friday 7:00 PM Start of the 2023 Eucharistic Rosary Congress Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Bro. Augustine and Bro. Zachary of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal will give a short talk and will lead us in the Rosary. 8:00 PM Refreshments Marian and Worship music will…
Centennial Mass with
His Eminence, Joseph Cardinal Tobin
Saturday, September 9th at 5:00pm Mass and Parish Family Picnic on Sunday, September 10th at 1:00pm
A butterfly release will be held as part of our centennial celebration. You can purchase a butterfly in memorial or honor of a loved one.
All alumni students, teachers, and staff of Saint James the Apostle School are invited!
Friends, today we come face-to-face with what it means to be Christian. Our religion is a religion whose mission throughout history has been to declare to the world that Jesus Christ is Lord, the Son of God!
God, who never tires of the task at hand, keeps on cheerfully offering us opportunities for love, justice, peace, mercy, salvation. This joyous seed is scattered liberally through our days as we duck, shirk, refuse, and deny.
Saint James the Apostle Parish is going into our Community to be of service to others. Go to our website to register today!