A Message from Fr. David May 29, 2022

This weekend, we acknowledge the gift that Fr. John Dennehy’s priestly presence has been to the community of St. James the Apostle Church. I am reminded of something someone shared with me some time ago:
When we do good things for others, we do good things for God.
Fr. John, out of your forty-one years of priesthood, twenty-plus of those years have been shared with us. While ministering as a Priest of Jesus Christ among us, you have done countless “good things” for others. From celebrating Masses in our church to baptizing new-borns into the new life of Christ; from commending the faithful departed to God’s loving arms, to sharing a meal and fellowship in our homes, we will not soon forget the love and service you have so generously offered us.
Simply put – well done, good and faithful servant! May this weekend’s acknowledgment of your loving presence be a small gesture of our gratitude and love for you. Thank you for many “good things”!
“I’d Rather See A Sermon”
Edgar A. Guest
I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day; I’d rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way. The eye’s a better pupil and more willing than the ear, Fine counsel is confusing, but example’s always clear; And the best of all the preachers are the men who live their creeds, For to see good put in action is what everybody needs.
I am happy to announce that Philip La Gala has joined the St. James Staff as the new Director of Music Ministry. Over these past few months in the capacity of interim music minister, Philip has displayed music proficiency, skillful playing, and fruitful collaboration. The privilege and responsibility of the parish staff is to ensure that the worship experience here at St. James is beautiful, prayerful, and engaging. It is my understanding that Philip has and will continue to complement this vision as the Director of Music Ministry. Please join me in welcoming Philip to the team.
As part of our effort to communicate more effectively with you, this past week we launched a weekly electronic parish newsletter. The newsletter will be emailed every Thursday using our new communications platform Flocknote. The newsletter will contain parish news, event updates, and much more.
If you haven’t received the emailed newsletter, there are multiple ways to sign up:
> Text To Join – text NEWSLETTER to 84576
> Connect online – saintjamestheapostle.flocknote.com
> Fill out a Card – you can fill out a Flocknote card at the info center in the church narthex
In addition to the email newsletter and email notifications, you can also opt-in for mobile phone text notifications for special events, Holy Day reminders, and other important communications from the parish through Flocknote.