A Message from Fr. David May 22, 2022

Last weekend’s celebration of First Communions was glorious! To see 34 beaming children receive the Lord for the first time in the Eucharist was spectacular.
A big shout out to the families who have supported our First Communicants in the practice of the Faith. I want to also thank Nancy Caputo, Colleen Tyra, our catechists, and volunteers who have lovingly ac- companied our little ones to the altar.
Flocknote Launch
As part of our effort to communicate more effectively with you, this past week we launched a weekly electronic parish newsletter. The newsletter will be emailed every Thursday using our new communications platform FlockNote. The newsletter will contain parish news, event updates, and much more.
If you haven’t received the emailed newsletter, there are multiple ways to sign up:
- Text To Join – text NEWSLETTER to 84576
- Connect online – www.saintjamestheapostle.flocknote.com
- Fill out a Card – you can fill out a Flocknote card at the info center in the church narthex
In addition to the email newsletter and email notifications, you can also opt-in for mobile phone text notifications for special events, Holy Day reminders, and other important communications from the parish through FlockNote.
In our second reading this Sunday, St. John’s vision in the Book of Revelation is a game-changer when he imagines the New Jerusalem devoid of a Temple. John, however, doesn’t simply dispense with the Temple. He conceives that the city itself has become the dwelling place of God. Forget the tent; lose the walls. God lives in the heart of the community outright.
For centuries Christians have built places of worship. From the most ornate cathedrals to the simplest meeting houses, faith communities have recognized the need for a space in which to come together to feel close to God. It’s good to remember, though, that a temple – or what we refer to now as a church – is more than a building.
Jesus said he would be present where two or three gather in his name—regardless of where they were; Saint Peter in his first letter called Christ a living stone and told believers to be “like living stones . . . built into a spiritual house”: The emphasis is less on the bricks and more on the living stones—the people who assemble. It’s wonderful to have beautiful places to worship God. And we are so fortunate here at St. James to have a beautiful church to worship in. But don’t let the building do all the work. You belong to a church of living, breathing people who in this season of Easter follow their risen Lord.
Quote of the Week
The soul does not love like a creature with created love. The love within it is divine, uncreated; for it is the love of God that is passing through it.