A Message from Fr. David, August 28, 2022

Centennial Capital Campaign Feasibility Study We are well underway with the feasibility study for the Centennial Capital Campaign. Thank you for taking the time to respond to the survey. If you didn’t receive a survey in the mail, please help yourself to a paper survey which can be found in the narthex of the church (near the bulletin board) or you can fill out the survey on our website.
Your honest input is crucial for us to assess the likely success of a capital campaign. In addition to the renderings of the proposed parish center that were included in the feasibility study survey mailing, we’ve put on display a larger rendering of the proposed parish center with a bird’s eye view for you to consider. In short order an additional rendering will be provided with other angles.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Many parishioners have had excellent questions since the announcement of the goal to build a new parish center. We are in the process of creating a FAQ sheet. The forthcoming FAQ sheet will provide responses to some of the more frequently asked questions regarding the proposed new parish center, centennial capital campaign and the redevelopment of the campus (school and convent properties).
Two senior citizens were talking about the wisdom and the humility that come with age. One said, “When I was young, I was very proud. My pride caused me more worry! I was constantly worrying about what other people thought about me. When I got older and wiser, I said to myself, ‘I don’t care what they think about me.’ And now that I’m even older and wiser, I realize they weren’t thinking about me at all.”
The reality is – and I think that this is what Jesus is getting at and what the saints show – you gain more by worrying less about what others think of you and by letting our real selves to be seen, than by pretending to be what we are not.
Humility is the kind of virtue that doesn’t have a good name in our culture. That’s because it may conjure up images of degradation and abjection. Or we may think that it means becoming a doormat for others to step on. But those ideas are both off-target. And God thinks that true humility is vital: in fact, he tells us so in the readings we hear this weekend.
Friends, it’s important to understand what humility really means. Humility means seeing ourselves through God’s eyes. To belittle the gifts God has given us would be a subtle form of pride. Saint Benedict used to say that if a monk had a wonderful singing voice and degraded his own ability it would be displeasing to God. So, we should recognize the good, and thank God for it. When Saint Theresa of Avila asked Christ what true humility meant, He replied: “To know what you can do, and what I can do.”
The message this Sunday is that Jesus wants us to seek true greatness, lasting achievements, and everlasting glory – and He says that to do so we must embrace humility.
Quote of the Week
Humility exists only in those who are poor enough to see that they possess nothing of their own