A Message from Fr. David, April 17, 2022

He is risen! The dramatic action of the Triduum climaxes today with the first reports of the miraculous news. He is not dead! He has been raised!
Friends, our Savior has conquered death and been raised to new life. Since we are all baptized into his death, we are all raised to new life in him. God’s love and mercy has been poured out on us all, for us all, so that we may live, as St. Paul wrote, “in newness of life.” In that newness of life, we come together to celebrate at this most glorious feast, singing of our joy and thanksgiving. Alleluia!!!
I wish to thank all of those who helped bring the inspiring and joy-filled announcement of Easter to our worshipping community. Thank you to the parish staff, music ministers, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, altar servers, and ministers of hospitality, for making Lent and Easter so meaningful.
Thank you for announcing the Easter message of the Resurrected Christ with your faithful service.
I would also like to thank those who came in droves to hear the message of Easter so beautifully proclaimed. Your witness to Christ and His Church is inspiring. Thank you, also, for the generous Easter donations to our parish. Your contributions serve as a reminder of your friendship and love for this faith-filled community.
Our prayer for you as we enter the holy season of Easter, is that you may experience in your life and in your home the joy of the Risen Christ…for truly the Lord is risen!